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Sean Ambrose Tattoo Aftercare Tried and True Best Method To Heal A Tattoo Dermshield Saniderm

+ How Does It Work? +
Saniderm (also called Dermshield) is a medical-grade, breathable, waterproof tattoo bandage designed to be a ‘breathable barrier.’ These bandages alleviate many of the pitfalls that come with other tattoo healing methods, primarily by drastically reducing the risk of contaminants entering a fresh tattoo site and protecting the area from unwanted friction. Saniderm also allows the body to keep itself moisturized naturally, minimizing scabbing from excess added moisture. Keep this bandage on for 5-7 days (maximum 7!)

+ See Fluid Buildup? +
THIS IS NORMAL! Plasma/fluid buildup will typically occur, creating an “ink sack” under the Saniderm, especially with larger tattoos. However, if the ink sack becomes excessively large, doesn’t re-absorb, or looks like it may leak/pop, do the following:
Over a sink/tub, pinch and pull Saniderm ink sack AWAY from your body with two fingers and use scissors to snip a tiny incision. Push fluid out of the opening, dry the area with a clean paper towel, and place a small patch of new Saniderm over the hole. Make sure to flatten any creases to avoid any potential leaking. You can then leave the Saniderm on until the remaining 5-7 days are up.

+ Saniderm Removal +
1. Running water will help loosen the adhesive and relax the skin, making removal more comfortable. Dry removal of Saniderm may cause discomfort, redness, and added trauma to the skin, so we only recommend doing this process in the shower with the assistance of cool water.

2. Find an edge of the bandage and pull it back over itself in the direction of hair growth.

3. Discard the used bandage and wash the tattoo with a mild fragrance-free soap (such as Dial gold). You will not be reapplying any bandage/covering after the tattoo once this is removed.

4. Gently pat the tattoo dry with clean paper towel and then allow the tattoo to continue to air dry for a few extra minutes in a clean environment.

5. Once the tattoo has thoroughly dried, apply a thin layer of aftercare product or unscented lotion (such as Aveeno or Lubriderm).

If there is adhesive residue left behind on the skin, it will naturally remove itself as you wash/moisturize, though sometimes it can take a few days/showers. Do not attempt to peel/pick anything off your fresh tattoo or the surrounding area.

+ Caring For Your New Tattoo / Things To Note +
Once the bandage has been removed, continue caring for the tattoo by washing and moisturizing as needed until the tattoo is fully healed – the tattoo many appear to be fully healed on the surface, however, the deeper layers of the skin will still be healing for 2-4 months. We recommend a good moisturizing regiment for this entire period. Showering while wearing Saniderm is fine, but it’s best to keep the time spent in the shower to a minimum. Bathing, swimming, or fully submerging a tattoo dressed in Saniderm is strongly discouraged. Light exercise while wearing Saniderm is fine, but avoid activity that causes excessive sweating. Just as water will weaken the adhesion of the bandage, so will sweat and any other significant amount of fluid. Try to keep the bandage as clean and dry as possible until it’s time to remove it. If the skin appears irritated or the bandage is coming off prior to the 5-7 day mark, it’s okay to remove the bandage sooner rather than later.

Sean Ambrose Tattoo Aftercare Tried and True Best Method To Heal A Tattoo Traditional

+ Leave your plastic wrap/bandage on for 2-3 hours (you will not re-wrap at any point)

+ Wash fresh tattoo with warm water and antibacterial soap (it must say ‘antibacterial’ on packaging)

+ Rinse with very cold water (this closes your pores and is one of THE most effective ways to heal well!)

+ Pat dry with clean paper towel

+ Let air dry for 20 minutes

+ Wait 10 minutes and blot again with NEW clean paper towel to remove any excess moisture (very important!)

You’re done! Repeat the steps above 2-3 times daily for 4 days.

-If you see any fluid coming to the surface for the first few days, blot away with clean paper towels thoroughly throughout the day

-Less is more

-Keep your tattoo on the drier side; a wet tattoo does not heal well and promotes scabbing

-NO EXCESS MOISTURE. No swimming, no sweating, no strenuous activity. If you get sweaty (summer happens, we get it), wash tattoo again with antibacterial soap and rinse with cold water ASAP

-Do not subject your new tattoo to environments that will be detrimental to it’s healing! Healing determines how the tattoo will look FOREVER; you can skip the beach/gym/etc for the first few days to make sure your tattoo looks good for the rest of your life

-Use common sense. If you have a fresh foot tattoo, shoving that bad larry into a thick sock, lacin’ the ole boots up tight, and suffocating that fresh tat in sweaty trench-foot hell is a bad idea. If you can’t safely expose your tattoo to clean air, wear light, breathable, and loose-fitting clothing over your fresh tattoo whenever possible

-Towards the end of the initial healing stage, your tattoo may begin to feel tight, dry, itchy and might start peeling like a sunburn – this is totally normal; you are right on track! Once the peeling begins, you may apply a super light/thin layer of unscented lotion to help combat the itchiness. *Lotion will NOT help heal the tattoo – it is only so you don’t absentmindedly scratch or it the tattoo.* Do not scratch, itch, or pick at your tattoo. If/when it flakes, leave the flakes alone to fall off on their own as picking them off can result in pulling out pigment that hasn’t fully healed and leave your tattoo looking spotty

Improper aftercare can result in loss of ink, infection, scarring, or need for touch ups – and touch ups are not free! Tattoos take up to a month to fully heal and until they are healed, they should be treated as an open wound; keep them as sterile and dry as possible. To reduce risks, always follow your specific artist’s aftercare instructionsIf you have questions, email Sean directly and include relevant photos of the tattoo/specific areas: